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Chromatography Systems

Ion Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (IC-MS)

Add mass spectrometry (MS) to your IC and LC analyses for access to the valuable data that only MS can provide.

The new, easy-to-use Thermo Scientific™ ISQ™ EC Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer seamlessly integrates with ion chromatography (IC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems. Both novices and experts alike can quickly master MS to gain more insights from every sample.

IC-ICP-MS Speciation Analyzer
While total elemental content can be analyzed by ICP-MS, speciation analysis of trace elements is ideally performed by a Thermo Scientific IC-ICP-MS system. The speciation analyzer includes a metal-free IC system with high resolution ion exchange columns and simple online connectivity, together with high sensitivity ICP-MS and integrated software.

ISQ EC Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

IC Autosamplers

Dionex™ AS-AP Autosampler


High precision, reliability, ruggedness, and ease of use; automates many bench-top tasks; can be used with entire ICS product family

Dionex™ AS-DV Autosampler


A low-cost, metal-free, rugged, automated sample loading solution with random access and sample preparation capabilities

Dionex™ AS-HV
Autosampler, 250mL
sample capacity

High sample volumes up to 250 mL; AutoPrep option for trace analysis

IC Detectors

Detection options for all the different kinds of analytes you need to measure: Choose the best conductivity (CD), electrochemical (ECD), variable wavelength (VWD), photodiode array (PDA) ion chromatography (IC) detector, or mass spectrometry (MS) detector for your IC application. Our detectors offer high sensitivity and minimum peak dispersion in an all-PEEK flow path, making the detectors compatible with eluents of pH 0–14.

Electrochemical detector

VWD variable wavelength
IC detector

QD charged detector an cell

Conductivity detector

PDA photodiode array
IC detector

Single quadrupole
mass spectrometer

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