Chromatography Systems
Chromatography Sample Preparation
These include a multitude of resin-based solutions, manifolds and dispensers you can use in the process, syringe filters, protein precipitation, protein digest products and more.
- Protein Digest
- SPE Consumables
- Syringe Filters
- Solid Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE)
- Protein Precipitation Plates
- Lab Plates
- Manifolds
- QuEChERS Sample Preparation Kits
Automated Sample Preparation Solutions
- Accelerated Solvent Extraction: for solid and semisolid samples using solvents at elevated temperatures and pressures
- ASE System Dispersants and Sorbents
- Dionex AutoTrace 280 Automated Solid Phase Extraction (SPE): to isolate trace organics from large-volume aqueous matrices
- Automated Solvent Evaporation: Rocket Evaporator and Reacti-Vap Nitrogen Evaporators
- TurboFlow Columns for Automated Online LC/MS Sample Cleanup