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Chromatography Systems


Chromatography Data System (CDS)

Thermo Scientific Chromeleon Chromatography Data System (CDS)

  • A networked or enterprise CDS is vital for compliant, efficient and reliable operation of any modern chromatography laboratory.
  • Streamline your laboratory workflows using software that was built with both the lab and IT in mind.
  • Scale from a single workstation up to global, multi-site deployment with a solution designed for tracking, accountability, and QA/QC that is incredibly easy to use, with fewer mouse clicks, and more “right-first-time” results.

Instruments, intelligence, insight:
Chromeleon CDS delivers ease of use, comprehensive instrument control, automated data analysis and flexible reporting.

Security, sharing, support:
Convert multiple workstations to a small network to realize many benefits of enterprise without the effort or expense.

Compliance, connectivity, confidence. Support your scientific business and digital transformation goals from single laboratory to global, multi-site, cloud-based deployment.

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